
Vasectomy is a form of male birth control that cuts the supply of sperm to your semen. It’s done by cutting and sealing the tubes that carry sperm. Vasectomy has a low risk of problems and can usually be performed in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia.

Before getting a vasectomy, however, you need to be certain you don’t want to father a child in the future. Vasectomy is considered a permanent form of male birth control. Vasectomy offers no protection from sexually transmitted infections.

What are the benefits of a Vasectomy?

A Vasectomy is a safe and effective birth control choice for men who are certain they don’t want to father a child.

  • Vasectomy is nearly 100 percent effective in preventing pregnancy.
  • Vasectomy is an outpatient surgery with a low risk of complications or side effects.
  • The cost of a vasectomy is far less than the cost and complexity of female sterilisation (tubal ligation) or the long-term cost of birth control medications for women.
  • You won’t need to take birth control steps before sex, such as putting on a condom.

A potential concern with vasectomy is that you may later change your mind about wanting to father a child. Although it may be possible to reverse your vasectomy, there’s no guarantee it will work. Reversal surgery is more complicated than vasectomy, can be very expensive and is ineffective for many men. Before you get a vasectomy, you should be certain you don’t want to father a child in the future and should have a lengthy discussion both with your partner and GP. For most men, a vasectomy doesn’t cause any noticeable side effects, and serious complications are rare.

Risk Factors

Side effects right after surgery can include:

  • Bleeding or a blood clot (hematoma) inside the scrotum
  • Blood in your semen
  • Bruising of your scrotum
  • Infection of the surgery site
  • Mild pain or discomfort
  • Swelling

Delayed complications can include:

  • Chronic pain (rare)
  • Fluid buildup in the testicle, which can cause a dull ache that gets worse with ejaculation
  • Inflammation caused by leaking sperm (granuloma)
  • Pregnancy, in the event of recanalisation of the vas deferens

No-Scalpel Vasectomy

We offer a quick and convenient, minimally invasive no-scalpel vasectomy which is:

    • Convenient & allows fast access
    • Minimally invasive with a single puncture
    • An overall quick procedure
    • Fast recovery time
    • Minimal discomfort
    • Effective contraception

A vasectomy is usually done at a doctor’s office or surgery centre under local anaesthesia, which means you’ll be awake and have medicine to numb the surgery area.


Does a vasectomy affect your sexual performance?

A vasectomy won’t affect your sex drive or your masculinity in any way other than preventing you from fathering a child.

Does a vasectomy permanently damage your sexual organs?

There’s very little risk that your testicles, penis or other parts of your reproductive system will be injured during surgery.

Does a vasectomy increase your risk of certain cancers?

Although there have been some concerns about a possible link between vasectomy and prostate and testicular cancer in the past, there’s no proven link.

Does a vasectomy increase your risk of heart disease?

As with cancer fears, there doesn’t appear to be any link between vasectomy and heart problems.

Does a vasectomy cause severe pain?

You may feel minor pain and pulling or tugging during surgery, but severe pain is rare. Likewise, after surgery you may have some pain, but for most men it’s minor and goes away after a few days.

South East Queensland Surgery

25 Years In Surgical Excellence.

All patients must be referred to South East Queensland Surgery by a Doctor.

How do I arrange a referral?

To arrange a referral from your doctor you can provide the contact details of our clinic.

South East Queensland Surgery
P: (07) 3345-6667

Suite 9, McCullough Centre
259 McCullough Street
Sunnybank QLD 4109

If you do not have a doctor that can provide a referral please contact our team and we can help arrange a referral.

Are consultations covered by Medicare or Private Health?

There is a consultation fee, Medicare rebates apply if patient has a GP referral. Private health is not able to be used for consultations as they are in the rooms not the hospital.

What is the cost of surgery?

The cost of surgical procedures varies dependent on the type of operation and private health cover.

For a direct quote surgical quote please contact out team today.

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At South East Queensland Surgery we would love to hear from you.

For all appointments & enquiries, please call (07) 3345-6667

Appointments can be made between 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday.


P: (07) 3345-6667

F: (07) 3344-1752

For any medical emergencies dial 000.